Octopus marine animal with a soft body and eight arms, and also called Palmjs. Octopus and big eyes and was presented with a cruel powerful meet in point parrot-like beak, and used octopus tentacles to catch cancers, (lobster), mollusks, fish and other shellfish. To separates the shell parts, cut his own food Pfkih Alqrnien.Octopus injected poison paralyzes its prey. Australian octopus carries a blue circles cm nerves that can kill a human being. The size of most octopuses almost the size of a fist. The giant octopus length 18:00 by a party to the arms amounts to the second arm on the other side of the body. Octopuses live mainly in China and the Mediterranean Sea, and along the coasts of Hawaii and North America and the islands of the West Indies.Many people eat in those places octopus meat. And octopuses belong to a group of shellfish called mollusks. It also includes that group oysters and snails. And squid, molluscs and fish Kalhbar gels that do not have external shells. Not for Okhtabutat shells, like squid and jelly fish, and has a solid cover to protect the so-called veil covering the body and gives it shape. Arms connected to the body tissue of cells found on their bases. There are rows of round-the muscles in the lower side of each arm, where she works Kokwab absorbent. These popsicles that strongly adheres to any member. If the octopus arm has its place grew a new arm. For the octopus eyes, and he sees well, and has a full-mouth Unlike all invertebrates (animals that do not have the back bone). These animals breathe through gills, such as fish. The octopus swims to withdraw water in the body, and then squeeze the water out through an opening in the form of the bottom of the head tube (siphon). Move water exiled force the animal back. Octopus can also be secreted from the said liquid black tube (Siphon). This liquid is a dark cloud hides the animal to be able to escape from predators Kalqrh. Octopus body
Octopus body contains small bags of dyes, (colored substance). And relate to dye bags with the nervous system of the animal, and you function when disturbed octopus. When the octopus is exposed to the risk of a provoked and soon makes him Maagar color blue or gray or brown or red or white but devoid of color can even harmony with him, and put the female octopus a cluster contains about 100,000 eggs. And stick with rocks and eggs hatch in about two months.The female eggs and caring and not eat during this period. Young and start to get their food on their own after hatching directly

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